Sunday, 17 February 2008

Valentine's Day!

My St. Valentine's Day earns a post. This is why: Antonio Banderas. On Vday morning we had drawing class, so we headed off to the V&A Museum. We drew for a couple of hours and then Abbie and I were slowly looking at some things on our way to meet Sabercat. Abbie walks up to me and says, "Those two people behind me are famous. Is that Antonio Banderas?" I turned around and there he was, with Melanie Griffith. They were in the same section as us, looking at some art. Not only that, but they made their way over and the four of us were looking at the same sculpture at the same time. It was very exciting. We scampered off to tell our professor, Joe, and he sent us off with his two younger kids, who we used to get autographs...haha. So anyways, little Hannah and I went up and asked for an autograph and he signed my sketchbook, pictured above. It was pretty exciting, especially because no one else in the museum really noticed. And this is what makes a great Valentine's day.

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